Hi i’m Nikki,

In the past 12 years, I have gained a lot of experience in the care and breeding of various reptile species.

In addition to an internship at one of the most renowned reptile shops in the Netherlands.

We also make a trip to Costa Rica to observe the natural habitat of various poison dart frogs and search for the Bush Master, a beautiful but dangerous snake.
I have also acquired extensive experience by privately keeping and breeding different species.

Ensuring our customers are well-informed and providing optimal care for our animals is our top priority. Our motto is not without reason:

Do it with passion or not at all!

Currently, our main focus is on Ball Pythons (Python Regius) and Boa Imperators. In the future, we aim to expand with other species, including: Geckos and Agamas (Pogona vitticeps), Tortoises (Testudo hermanni),  feeder animals from our own breeding and some fun reptile-related merchandise.